
"they told me so!"
Cherry Myth SMP Character created by tickie

Basic info

Name: "Tickie" [she/they/he/fraise]
Origin: Raccoon
Species: Cinnamon Raccoon
Age: 22
Birthday: Jan 8
Height (in blocks): 1.5 blocks


Personal Info:


Born without breath, they had no strings to attach them to a future. Utterly heartbroken and devastated by the loss of their child, the parents prayed and prayed to the gods above and below to grant their child a chance. They offered everything for their child's chance, and eventually, they were heard.Unbeknownst to them, no god would listen to their pleas. Instead, it was the souls of those who came before them that looked for the baby's weak soul. Eventually it was found, and though they could not restore the child's life themselves, they could help in reuniting the body to the soul. From there, it was up to the baby and their soul to merge, but only if they had the drive to.As the soul was that of a baby's, the chances of them understanding the concept of life and death were null, and so the spirits did not have much hope for the child, though they did wish and pray.The soul and body bonded.The parents, overjoyed over their breathing child, turned to the spirits that aided their child, once again offered everything to the spirits, understanding them to be benevolent souls.The souls smiled warmly at the family, love blooming like flowers in spring,"The child will grow never alone. They will witness the world that they were born into, and through us, the worlds beyond."We will be with this child for eternity."...all is not as it seems. be wary, love.


- is very cuddly and appreciates even the smallest physical gestures, but needs to initiate the contact [or at least allow the contact ] or else they could react in various ways (fearful, defensive, etc)- can see the spirits of their past ancestors...?- its a roulette on how they'll react to different things; sometimes they're flighty and fearful, sometimes they're aggressive and wouldn't be ashamed to bite you- dislikes surprises such as, but not limited to:
pretending to have lost a canon life/have died
being suddenly touched and/or grabbed
pranks that could affect them emotionally or mentally

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